Hundreds Of Schools Already Prayer-Walked!
The Prayer Walk Project is in FULL swing nationwide! Capital cities have been mobilizing prayer walks and seeing God bring unity between believers. Kansas City joined our national efforts […]
The Prayer Walk Project is in FULL swing nationwide! Capital cities have been mobilizing prayer walks and seeing God bring unity between believers. Kansas City joined our national efforts […]
Dating conversations may be intimidating to have with your teens. If you’ve ever felt unsure about what to say or how to bring up the conversation, know that there is […]
Have you wondered if youth events are worth the time, resources, and energy? It has been an interesting past few years of isolation and then regrouping again in our churches! […]
When I was in high school, I found my calling to ministry because of people who believed in me. I had leaders who encouraged me, taught me hard lessons about leadership, […]
When I heard high schoolers singing, “I’m free! I’m free! Jesus has delivered me!” I believed them. Last summer, Enlightened Students went on the road to host worship events […]
Building culture in your youth ministry starts with identifying your goals and who your students are! Knowing your goals is a great place to start. What dreams do you have for […]
You might read ‘social media’ and negative thoughts or feelings immediately surface in your mind. We can all acknowledge that there are plenty of downsides to these platforms. But if our students are […]
How can we view phones as tools to build God’s Kingdom and not as destruction in our ministry? The question isn’t if we should point students to good resources, but […]
My heart sank when I received a short, dreadful text from a young girl in my own church community on March 4, 2022. “I was there when it happened and […]