Navigating Spiritual Gifts With Students

According to Ephesians 4:12, God gave the gifts of ministry “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” So, as Youth Workers, we must help students discover their unique gifts and provide them with opportunities to grow in those gifts. When we do this, we strengthen God’s church to advance the Kingdom of God.


Guide Students to Discover


Students can’t practice what they don’t know! The best way to equip your students is to guide them in discovering the spiritual gifts that the Holy Spirit has freely given them. Although I love spiritual gifts assessments, we should start this process by teaching them about all the gifts of the Spirit and processing with them what they think God has given them. A great place to start is reading the sections of Scripture on the spiritual gifts: Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4. Read those passages and have your students go to God in prayer, asking what gifts He has given them. 


After they have prayed, discuss what God has spoken to them. Are there any gifts you see in them that they did not mention? Let’s not forget that God speaks through us, and our words can make a massive difference in the lives of the students we minister to. Acknowledging their gift of hospitality, teaching, wisdom, or any other gifts could awaken something in them that they have not noticed before. 


Now that they have discovered some of their spiritual gifts, we can walk with them and “fan into flame the gift of God” (2 Tim 1:6).


Activate Students in Ministry


Students should have plenty of opportunities to practice their spiritual gifts in church so that when they graduate out of Youth Group they have the confidence to use their spiritual gifts. One way that you can provide students with opportunities is to ‘give away’ parts of the service that they could lead. One thing that I loved to do was to plan a night that was 100% student-led. From the early stages of planning and prep, to building out a worship team, to preaching and leading groups the night of, students executed it all! This gave students of all giftings the ability to fan the flame that God placed in them. 


In addition to utilizing their gifts in the church, students should be encouraged to use their gifts in other places as well. Encourage your students to join the leadership team of their school’s Christian club or to serve in other capacities. As they grow in their gifts, check in on them. Allow them to ask questions and give honest answers about how they are operating in their calling.


I’ve found that when we set a high bar for students, they rise to the occasion. So, challenge your students to lead out with power. They might surprise you. 



Kyle Williamson
Director of Student Leadership Development




Photo by Yingchou Han on Unsplash