Connect with Students, Parents, or Both??

As you minister to students, how do you also reach their parents? Is it possible to do both well? How can you build good relationships with so many people if you only see students 1-2 times a week?


It takes intentionality to focus not only on your students’ spiritual lives but also on relationships with their families. You could feel overwhelmed by the task or not equipped. My goal today is to help you feel more equipped to build strong connections with the parents of your students!


Most parents in your church want to know they can trust you with their kids! When are key moments in your year that you can devote to building trust? Here are a few suggestions to add to your calendar:

1. If you don’t already, send weekly or biweekly email updates to parents! Share testimonies, teaching content, prayer requests, and upcoming events. Constantly keep them in the loop as to what happens every week when they drop their child off at the door of your church.


2. Consider inviting parents to attend a youth group service one night of the year! Have a “Parent Night” or “Family Night”. Encourage students to invite their parents, grandparents, older siblings, or mentors in their lives to come see what they are a part of every week! Add some kind of activity or competition to the night to tear down walls of awkwardness or intimidation.


3. Invite parents of your students to a free lunch twice a year! Consider having a touch-point meeting after Sunday services to feed their family, share ministry updates, and spend time in fellowship with parents. Make time to shake each parent’s hand and listen to how they are doing. That consistent meeting could be a powerful time to build deeper relationships.


4. Lastly, be a pastor to your city! Attend games, meets, tournaments, musicals, and races so parents can see your face outside the walls of the church. Consistency builds trust simply by showing your face! As the parents see you more regularly and get to know you, they can recognize and appreciate the ways you pour into their kid’s lives!


That trust and support you desire can be built over time through these intentional moments of trust-building. You may be doing all of these things. If you are, keep at it! Consistency matters. Trust takes time! Intentionality will be noticed. You are doing great Kingdom work!



Olivia Williamson
Director of Campus Ministries