A Small Group Of Friends
Our students are being tempted every day to bow to idols this world is throwing at them. Identity, materialism, social media, sports, gaming, sex, pornography, drugs, and the list […]
Our students are being tempted every day to bow to idols this world is throwing at them. Identity, materialism, social media, sports, gaming, sex, pornography, drugs, and the list […]
It has been almost 10 years since the last time I was consistently leading a group of adult volunteers in youth ministry. I started as a youth pastor before I […]
Students are investors. Their time, energy, and resources are invested in sports, the arts, competitions, or skills that could help them get a college scholarship. We know that the pressures […]
“You Americans have no issues with picking and choosing which commandments to follow. For instance, ‘Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy’ isn’t one that you follow,” said our tour […]
Youth Ministry has always been a passion of mine. From the countless hours I spent as a middle and high school student to the time spent getting my Bachelor’s in […]
The definition of courage is “the ability to do something that frightens someone.” We often associate the word with big, grand gestures of bravery, like a soldier running headfirst into […]
Prayer is a gift. It is a gift from God to communicate with Him and deepen our relationship with Him. It is a gift to others as we go to […]
(See link below for our Thought Factory podcast episode about how to address the topic of sexuality) When we don’t know what to say, we typically say nothing. When […]
Sexuality saturates our society. It is everywhere. We cannot escape it as a conversation, nor should we as parents/youth workers. Yet, I hear from many parents who are Christ-followers […]
How you answer one question will determine the success and failure in your ministry leadership. Answer it incorrectly, and you will be ineffective and unfulfilled. Answer it correctly, and you […]