Making A Lasting Impact In A World Of Instant Gratification
The current reality of our fast-paced culture became real to me when same-day-delivery became an option for Amazon packages. How is it possible that we can click a button and a […]
The current reality of our fast-paced culture became real to me when same-day-delivery became an option for Amazon packages. How is it possible that we can click a button and a […]
One in three Americans feel lonely every week*. Are you one of them? In a world where we can be connected with almost anybody at any time, how can we […]
Adult volunteers are by far the most valuable resource you have as a Youth Leader. These incredible individuals sacrifice family time to be a part of weekly services; they labor […]
Parents are the number one faith influencers in a student’s life! They spend an average of 2,500 plus hours with them per year! That’s a lot of hours! When we, as […]
When it comes to helping your children succeed in school and life, give them opportunities to own their excellence! What are they passionate about, what areas do they want to […]
Raising students today is challenging but rewarding! Having raised three of our own, we’ve learned that there are three key levels of friendships that students need in their lives. […]
Isn’t it great looking at all the examples of youth groups in the Bible…oh wait…there aren’t any! Even as the early Church began in Acts chapter 2, there is no […]
According to Ephesians 4:12, God gave the gifts of ministry “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” So, as Youth Workers, […]
There is no doubt that there’s a divide between Youth Pastor culture and youth culture in our world. Our students are steeped in a literal melting pot of worldviews, trends, […]
When it comes to talking about money with your kids, you may be hesitant. Discussing finances can be one of the more difficult conversations; in fact, 69% of parents say […]