Growing Up Too Fast…or Not Growing Up? Part 1
Part 1: Introduction* *This will be a multi-part blog on this topic, and credit for much of the research and facts are from Richard A Ross. I heard Richard give […]
Part 1: Introduction* *This will be a multi-part blog on this topic, and credit for much of the research and facts are from Richard A Ross. I heard Richard give […]
I remember when I was in elementary school, I tagged along with my dad on a trip to Florida. He took multiple vans full of high school students for spring break. […]
It was just the Senior Pastor and myself at the church one afternoon. I knocked on his door and asked if he had a few minutes to talk about something. […]
If you’ve read the previous 2 posts you know that the #1 way that you can impact the life of a student is to regularly engage them in the Scriptures. […]
In 25 years, I can see nothing more paramount in our Kingdom work with young people whether we are youth workers, parents or pastors. In my previous post, I wrote […]
I’ve worked with students for over 25 years. I have 2 high schoolers in my own home. And here’s what I’ve learned… There is ONE THING that towers above anything […]
Do you have time to pray? “No generation of students has united to take prayer back into every school in America, what would happen if they did?” Never The Same […]
If you were to be asked, “Is the Bible an integral part to your faith?” How would you respond? I would assume our immediate response would be “yes, absolutely!” or […]
Summary Darth Vader becomes an intern for Never The Same and wants to go to NTS Camp. These 4 videos show Darth learning in his office environment and learning to […]
Here it is, Never The Same’s blog! We hope you’ll go on this journey with us as we learn and share about one of our greatest hopes: young people…