Why you need to see War Room

A few days ago, our staff piled into cars and drove to the nearest theater. With oversized portions of soda and buttery popcorn we anxiously awaited the start of what we consider a game-changer, a movie about PRAYER!

Some of us may have some preconceived notions about Christian movies. They’re poorly filmed. The acting is bad. The scripts are cheesy. And so on. With War Room, the Kendrick Brothers (directors, producers, and writers) took a giant step in the right direction.  Not only is War Room well shot and well acted, it caught me off guard several times with it’s wit and humor.  The bottom line is that it’s time to drop the standard, “Well, it’s a Christian movie” mentality.

Now that we’ve cleared that hurdle, let’s answer the question, “Why should you go see War Room?”

I will give you two reasons:
Your prayer life needs it
We as the body of Christ need it.

This film isn’t about non-Christians coming to know Jesus; it is about the power of prayer and the absolutely essential role it must play in our lives. Without spoiling anything, the movie focuses on a family at the brink of collapse and shows how God can use the boldness of a stranger and the willingness of a mother to begin to restore hope and love. If you are not inspired to “turn up the temperature” of your prayer life when you leave the theater, you must have slept through the movie!

Our organization, Never The Same, has a strong emphasis toward prayer. One of our main initiatives is called, Claim Your Campus and our goal is to empower students to pray for their schools. We don’t take this goal lightly, as a staff we read books on prayer, we study what the Bible says about prayer, we attend conferences on prayer, and we practice what we preach by significantly praying each week. Over the course of my time with Never The Same, I have come to realize that what I thought I knew about prayer, barely scratches the surface. That’s not an easy realization for me and I suppose that if we all took an honest look at ourselves and our prayer lives we’d see a substantial gap in that spiritual discipline.

I say all of this to emphasize the point that as the Body of Christ, we need to step up our game when it comes to our prayer lives. War Room does a fantastic job of showing the possible outcomes of a lukewarm prayer life and a burning hot prayer life. What would our world look like if we prayed like we know we can? What could change in our churches if the people were truly seeking God’s heart? How would our families be different if our children saw prayer warriors instead of Sunday morning saints?

If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s time. Parents, take your kids. Pastors, take your churches. Students, take your parents. Whatever you do, don’t miss this movie. Let’s become a people who engage with God and His word, who knows what He is waiting to show us!


Kyle Wood
Director of Operations & Communications
Never The Same


© 2015, Never The Same