The Book of Acts is a book unlike any other in the Bible. It is the story of the beginning of the church we know today. Jesus is crucified and resurrected, then sends the disciples out on their mission before ascending to Heaven. After Jesus is gone, the disciples are processing what just happened, and two angels show up to ask the disciples why they’re just standing there. Jesus gave them a command to go out and make disciples – what we know as the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20. They had work to do! Over the next 28 chapters, the early church experiences some crazy stuff: the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the conversion of thousands, miracles of healing and restoration, and the growth of the church across the known world. Acts sets the stage for the church we know today. It shows us that the power of Jesus is real and alive in us. God is still working through His people. God is still changing the world through the obedience of those who follow Him.