Tell Me The Truth – Part 2


Part 2 of 4 in a series on the truth and reliability of The Word of God. There are five areas of evidence for the truth of The Word. The first is ARCHEOLOGY. The Bible is full of history and the artifacts we've found since then are consistent with names, events, wars, kings, etc. mentioned in Scripture. The second is SCROLLS. Old Testament manuscripts were recorded on scrolls by the scribes, who followed incredibly rigid guidelines to ensure their work was reliably copied. This is also consistent with archeological findings. The third is EYEWITNESSES. New Testament books were written sometime between 30-60 years after the life of Jesus, by the people who were there and witnessed the events as they happened. These stories had already been shared orally with thousands of people, so if they were recorded inaccurately, plenty of people would have been there to correct them.


How to Use

This video series could be used to show students as a series, pausing between each for discussion, or each on their own.

Tell Me the Truth - Video 2