Raising A Servant-Hearted Teen
Everything in our culture points to “me!” I can buy what I want, when I want, look how I want, or appear how I want on social media… When culture […]
Everything in our culture points to “me!” I can buy what I want, when I want, look how I want, or appear how I want on social media… When culture […]
The role of “parent” is a huge privilege and a huge responsibility. We are tasked with raising contributing members of society who will be able to manage life and a […]
According to Ephesians 4:12, God gave the gifts of ministry “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” So, as Youth Workers, […]
When I think of what a home looks like, among many other things, I think of the homes I’ve stepped into that are centered around Christ. Family members sitting on […]
There couldn’t be more differing opinions on the use of social media. Is it good? Bad? Unhealthy? A waste of time? Essential? Navigating the challenges when it comes to disciplining […]
Is apologetics a part of your teaching? Why is it important to teach our students to defend their faith? 1 Peter 3:15 says, “But in your hearts revere Christ […]
Depression, anxiety, and suicide among students are at an all-time high. What can we do to help the mental health of our children? There are absolutely times when we […]
One spring day, I stopped at a garage sale. The only thing I was remotely interested in was a battery charger and its battery for a power drill. “I could […]
It’s no secret that statistically the students of today are experiencing more anxiety than ever before. It is one of the most common threads we see and hear in youth […]
There is an overload of messages coming to students about who they should be, what they should think and believe, and what they should value in this world. The majority […]