Helping Your Students Dive Deeper
Students NEED Youth Groups. A place where they can gather with other young people, have fun, get encouraged, poured into, and prayed over. A community of Christian students and mentors […]
Students NEED Youth Groups. A place where they can gather with other young people, have fun, get encouraged, poured into, and prayed over. A community of Christian students and mentors […]
Your Youth Ministry has a culture. You either created it, or you allowed it to happen. What do you want your culture to be? Have you prayed and pondered […]
The role of “parent” is a huge privilege and a huge responsibility. We are tasked with raising contributing members of society who will be able to manage life and a […]
Isn’t it great looking at all the examples of youth groups in the Bible…oh wait…there aren’t any! Even as the early Church began in Acts chapter 2, there is no […]
According to Ephesians 4:12, God gave the gifts of ministry “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” So, as Youth Workers, […]
In the student ministry where I serve as Student Ministries Pastor, middle and high school students are often so excited to tell me about times an adult leader mentored them. […]
There is no doubt that there’s a divide between Youth Pastor culture and youth culture in our world. Our students are steeped in a literal melting pot of worldviews, trends, […]
One of the most important milestones as a Christian is putting others before ourselves. Philippians 2:3-4 teaches that we should clothe ourselves in humility, consider others to be better than […]
As parents, it’s our duty to shape and mold our kids to be good citizens in the world. We all have an idea of what that looks like and we, […]
When I was in high school, I found my calling to ministry because of people who believed in me. I had leaders who encouraged me, taught me hard lessons about leadership, […]