The Book of Genesis
First impressions are important, but if you ever intend to get to know a person more fully, you have to go beyond your first impression. Why is this person this […]
First impressions are important, but if you ever intend to get to know a person more fully, you have to go beyond your first impression. Why is this person this […]
When you hear the word “holy”, you probably think of a painting of Jesus gazing into the sky while holding a perfectly calm lamb, or a large cathedral with stained […]
There is no question of the benefits of physical exercise, but what about exercise for your soul? Throughout Scripture, we learn of ways to practice what are called the “disciplines” […]
Blood plays a major role in the story of God’s rescue of humanity, through innocent bloodshed, The Day of Atonement, and Passover. God’s heart is clearly and strongly moved when […]
We can learn the most about people when we understand both the highs and lows of their lives. It’s easy to sometimes look at people within the Bible and just […]
The opposite of faith isn’t doubt – it’s fear. We fear the outcome of something when we do not have faith it will work out the way we want it […]
Summary Part 1 of 5 video series on creating a culture in your ministry that will make an impact. In Part 1, Jeff Eckart talks about the best way to […]
Students have a lot of say in cultural trends. What they decide to participate in, listen to, watch, wear, or what they choose to do, tend to become a popular […]
ABOUT THE RESEARCH This report contrasts student beliefs with adult assumptions of student beliefs. This study was conducted with a 40-question survey, presented to 2,953 students and 535 adults, the […]
ABOUT THE RESEARCH This report contrasts student beliefs with adult assumptions of student beliefs. This study was conducted with a 40-question survey, presented to 2,953 students and 535 adults, the […]