Leading Leaders: Strategizing For Success
Adult volunteers are by far the most valuable resource you have as a Youth Leader. These incredible individuals sacrifice family time to be a part of weekly services; they labor […]
Adult volunteers are by far the most valuable resource you have as a Youth Leader. These incredible individuals sacrifice family time to be a part of weekly services; they labor […]
Parents are the number one faith influencers in a student’s life! They spend an average of 2,500 plus hours with them per year! That’s a lot of hours! When we, as […]
When a pandemic hit the world, many of us had to ask the question, “What do we do now?” For the Claim Your Campus team, it was an unforeseen time […]
Your Youth Ministry has a culture. You either created it, or you allowed it to happen. What do you want your culture to be? Have you prayed and pondered […]
Raise your hand if you feel awkward when walking into a room where you might not know anyone. What do you do with your hands? Where do you sit? […]
Being a parent is one of the toughest yet most rewarding jobs. There are so many questions that arise each day that we may feel at a loss for words […]
It feels like a question we’ve all asked ourselves at least once (if not every week) as Youth Workers. We’ve done the hard work of preparing for a lesson, making […]
Have you wondered if youth events are worth the time, resources, and energy? It has been an interesting past few years of isolation and then regrouping again in our churches! […]
One spring day, I stopped at a garage sale. The only thing I was remotely interested in was a battery charger and its battery for a power drill. “I could […]
Are young people leaving the church in droves? Are we losing the next generation when they graduate from our Youth Ministry because it’s only about having fun and eating […]