Your Prayers Matter

There is something so powerful about a praying parent who follows the Lord! A famous leader in the Bible mentions the impact of his mother in Psalm 86:16 when he says,


“Turn to me and have mercy on me; show your strength in behalf of your servant; save me, because I serve you just as my mother did.”


It is powerful to think that a parent who served the Lord raised a man like King David. He remembered the way his mother served, and it made a difference in his life! Know that your prayers and how you serve are making a difference in your children’s lives.


One way to support your children in prayer is by participating in the Prayer Walk Project! Hundreds of families participated last year in 30 different states in America by prayer-walking a school campus together. This can take 20-30 minutes on a Saturday morning but can make a long-lasting impact on your child.


Here’s how you can join:

1. Choose a time to prayer walk on September 21st or September 28th in the morning!

2. Download the free Prayer Walk guide at

3. Show up with your family to prayer walk!



As we pray on either of those Saturdays, we are surrounding a powerful day of student-led prayer right in the middle of the week! See You At the Pole is a global day of student-led prayer and the theme this year is “1st Pray!” At 7am, local time, students will gather outside their school at the flagpole to pray for their schools and hopefully start a weekly prayer meeting from that gathered group!


Let’s support our kids by prayer walking those schools and blessing the ground they are at every school day. Your prayers matter in the lives of the next generation!



Olivia Williamson
Director Of Campus Ministries