Students Pursuing Excellence

When it comes to helping your children succeed in school and life, give them opportunities to own their excellence! What are they passionate about, what areas do they want to succeed in, or what areas of life do they see a need for improvement?


When we listen to their needs and their dreams, we know how to pray for and pursue excellence!


A group of sophomores in high school knew that their school was rated an “F School” in their state. When asked what needed improvement in their lives, it was clear that their school needed a change! Their classmates deserved a better future. When they identified a mission for the betterment of their school, they started to pray that students would honor God through academics.


Every week, they’d show up to their Claim Your Campus group to pray for academic excellence in their school. In a matter of months, there was a dramatic shift on the campus. These students started passing AP tests like never before and grades were consistently rising. By that summer, this school was named “The #1 School for College-Readiness” in their state. Because of these students’ passion and prayer, God radically transformed the academic excellence of this school.


Grades are not necessarily an indicator of success in our Christian perspective. But like these students prayed, it is a way to honor God. Colossians 3:17 is an encouragement and a challenge for students to view everything in life as an opportunity to represent Christ!


“And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.” Colossians 3:17


When students get behind a mission and have a loving mentor like you in their life, they will be unstoppable! Don’t underestimate the power of your prayers and conversations about their excellence in school and life. If they are doing everything to represent Christ well, they will be successful in all they do!



Olivia Williamson
Director of Claim Your Campus