When I was in high school, I found my calling to ministry because of people who believed in me. I had leaders who encouraged me, taught me hard lessons about leadership, and gave me opportunities to serve in my church. If I hadn’t heard their voices speak into my calling, I might have kept ignoring the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit calling me to ministry!
Involving your students in leadership roles will help students recognize their gifts, passions, and what God’s calling is for their life! It’s most likely that all of your students won’t end up working in a church or ministry role, but imagine students walking away with an understanding of how they can continue serving the church beyond high school. Imagine they discover how well they speak in front of people or their love for teaching or the gift to lead a meeting! You never know what opportunities you give that could help students understand their calling. Don’t underestimate the opportunities you give.
With every student you involve in some kind of leadership role, highlight the importance of leading behind the scenes just as much as they do in front of people. You know how much work, prayer, and unseen labor goes on behind your role. Show students a part of your world that most don’t see! Invite them to fold bulletins with you before service. Ask if they’d be willing to put the lyric slides together for your time of worship. Encourage them to show up early to greet people as they walk in the doors. Give your students opportunities to serve in unseen ways just as much as you give them opportunities to lead worship, share the announcements, or preach. Every leadership opportunity is a chance to help your students better understand their calling and Christlike servanthood!