This year, NTS Camp proclaimed to thousands of lives how God has DEFINED love and Jesus.  We learned together how He has DEFINED how a Christ follower should live, love, and overcome.  Hearing God’s truth in these areas changed lives and set people free.  In fact, over 500 lives were changed as they accepted Jesus for the very first time.  Over 1500 lives were changed as they recommitted their lives to Jesus. And 839 either said yes or said they would explore if God was leading them to vocational ministry to lead churches, ministries, and mission fields to go into the world and make disciples of Jesus.


As we prepare for each summer, it’s our hope to set the table for students to have a moment with God.  This year, students who made a spiritual commitment on Night 3 were given an opportunity to respond in a way that would help them remember their moment with God at NTS Camp.


This year’s response came with cards that were filled with words in red like broken, guilty, and hopeless.  Students were asked to write their names on the card and read those words aloud.  Then they placed that card on a fixture of Plexiglass covered in red film and asked to read their card out loud again.  The red film covered all the red words and what was left was either the word Saved or Forgiven.  Hearing students say, with tears streaming down their faces, “My name is ____, and I am Saved,” or “My name is _____, and I am Forgiven,” was the most beautiful thing to witness.  A lot of the words in red defined them up until the moment they allowed God’s truth to wash over them and they made a decision to follow Jesus.  Now, they are living a new life defined by Him.




Thanks for pouring into students. They need to hear the hope of forgiveness and freedom that only Jesus can offer.  What an awesome opportunity you have to speak that truth into the lives of students week after week.  Don’t grow weary of doing good in youth ministry.  You’re making a difference!


May God bless you as you serve Him,

Arianna Eckart
Director of NTS Camp