Making A Lasting Impact In A World Of Instant Gratification

The current reality of our fast-paced culture became real to me when same-day-delivery became an option for Amazon packages. How is it possible that we can click a button and a package can show up on our doorstop a few hours later?! This is the world that our children will grow up in. They have seen how quickly we can get what we want in a society where change seems to be the only consistent thing.


Will these new realities influence the way teens view their faith? Does this shape the way they read the Bible, pray, or participate in God’s calling in their life? Will impatience overrule the perseverance we are called to have as Christians while we’re here on this earth?


First of all, I want to encourage each parent reading this to not fear! Do not lose heart if you have disagreements or anxieties about the culture we live in. God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Each of these things helps us tackle parenting and navigating our own faith in our world today!


Think of the ways the Gospel can be advanced throughout the world because of the technological and societal advances we’re experiencing. Instead of constantly being overwhelmed by new advances, think of how God is using creativity and intelligence to move His Great Commission forward!


Your teens can contribute to society in ways that will advance the Kingdom instead of their own personal gain. Instead of creating products or solutions that simply make life ‘easier’ and more convenient, imagine your kids thinking outside of the box to make the world a brighter place! This can be an important mindset when navigating discipleship alongside instant gratification. Instead of serving the world’s agenda, they can build God’s Kingdom here on earth with the tools in front of them.


Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”


Remind your teens that they aren’t only making a short-term impact in the world but an eternal impact as they make Heaven more crowded. Continually pointing to the goal, to the light at the end of the tunnel, is so important as we grow in our faith. Encourage them to take time to learn the Bible, learn new skills, and engage their talents and abilities! Over time, point out how they’ve grown and developed after putting in the work. They will be world changers!


Earth is not our final destination. Jesus is our goal and our prize! We must all be reminded that instant gratification will fade, and this world with it. But in the end, we will see the fruit of our labor after years of growing and building His Kingdom here on this earth. Do not lose heart or perseverance as you disciple your teens. As you continually put in the work to help them grow as people, they will see how they will reap what they sow over time!



Olivia Williamson
Director of Campus Ministries