As we near the holiday season, the shopping lists are growing, the calendars are being filled, and families are starting to hit the road! Whatever this season may look like for you and your family, know that this time can be meaningful for you and your children. If you have the desire to have meaningful conversations about life, faith, and gratitude, here is how you can be intentional during the season of Thanksgiving!
As you disciple the next generation, holidays can be moments where there is an openness to connect on a deeper level! Many people, no matter the age, desire to experience joyful moments with family and friends. But instead of focusing on the gifts and holiday parties, think of the small moments that can make a huge difference.
As you drive your children to school, take road trips to a family gathering, or pick them up from the soccer game, consider asking your child what they are excited about this holiday season. What are they looking forward to? Who are they looking forward to spending time with? What have been some of their favorite moments this past year? This can open the door to talk about what they are thankful for as they recognize the people and blessings in their lives. Feel free to share what you are thankful for as well! As much as you expect openness from your child, be willing to open up yourself! As you both reflect on the blessings in your life, you can find joy and a perspective of gratitude.
Also, consider setting aside times for prayer as a family. Whether it be before meals, at family gatherings, or before putting your child to bed, praying prayers of thanksgiving teaches your child that it is a gift for God to hear what we are grateful for! He is our Provider and loves to give His kids good gifts. This time can impact their faith and model a practice in their own life.
Intentionality is key when it comes to practicing gratitude this Thanksgiving season. Make space for conversations and prayer before the schedules get full! Write out some ideas, set reminders on your phone, and do whatever you’ve got to do to make room for this practice of thanksgiving! Your example is making a huge impact on your child’s life.
We are so thankful for you!

Director of Campus Ministries