A Small Group Of Friends
Our students are being tempted every day to bow to idols this world is throwing at them. Identity, materialism, social media, sports, gaming, sex, pornography, drugs, and the list […]
Our students are being tempted every day to bow to idols this world is throwing at them. Identity, materialism, social media, sports, gaming, sex, pornography, drugs, and the list […]
We’ve all said something on social media we’ve regretted. Thankfully, you don’t have millions of followers to where your mistakes have been in the news cycle. Nevertheless, we as […]
Why do good students fall prey to pornography? How do you feel when you receive 100 likes on Instagram? Why are students…ok, the majority of users seem addicted to their […]
Students are one click away from being surrounded by danger that could possibly ruin their lives, and in this digital age, when smartphones are more prevalent in the hands […]
DON’T MISS THE 2 FREE AND IMPORTANT RESOURCES BELOW TO HELP YOU AS A PARENT Chris McKenna, a close friend and expert in online child protection, said to me, “There […]
A change in circumstances and stress can trigger episodes of anxiety or depression in students, and with the changes in school and church dynamics due to the pandemic, how have […]
Students have a lot of say in cultural trends. What they decide to participate in, listen to, watch, wear, or what they choose to do, tend to become a popular […]
“Screen time” has become another thing we measure. We are all spending time on our dopamine-inducing devices, but how much is too much? We receive the notification, compare our numbers […]
When society shifted from analog to digital, we were soon introduced to the internet, which allowed our society connect with almost every other one in the world. Eventually, that birthed […]
Students are under a lot of pressure. The pressures of getting the top grades, the pressure to compete and succeed in sports, the pressure to fit in and be liked, […]