Biblical Truth Can Change The World

What if every student who graduated from your student ministry entered adulthood with a solid foundation of biblical truth?  It could change the world!



There is more access to The Bible than there ever has been.  It’s on our phones, on our computers, and in physical forms.  The Bible is still the best-selling book ever.


And yet, biblical illiteracy is still a thing, and some may say it is rising.


But you get the opportunity to change that by taking 1 Timothy 4:13 to heart, that says “…devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.”


What are some engaging and relevant ways to teach biblical truth?

  • Preach from The Bible. Use lots of Scripture in your messages and read the passages from a physical Bible that students can see so they know which words are yours and which are God’s.
  • Keep current on topics students are talking about and show them Scripture that pertains to those topics.
  • Provide a reading plan that students read throughout the week and discuss it at your weekly meeting times.  Soulexercisescom is a great resource for you.
  • Utilize BibleProject videos in your teachings. They have a great way of visually explaining The Bible.
  • Highlight Scripture found in worship songs so that students know they are learning God’s Word by singing it.
  • Use incentives to reward students who read The Bible while they are forming this lifelong habit of reading and knowing God’s Word. Everyone loves a prize!


Know God’s Biblical Truth.  Live it and preach it every chance you can to every student God puts within your care.  They’ll remember it forever, and if they live it and preach it, the world will be changed.



Arianna Eckart
Director of NTS Camp


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash